Young women recognised for taking extraordinary action to better our communities and Aotearoa

Y25’ers become 2022 Local Hero’s


  • Community
November 19, 2021 Rachel Cleary

The YSquad is excited to congratulate three of our amazing Y25’ers for being named as one of the 100 Kiwibank New Zealand Local Hero of the Year, 2022 Medallists:

Alice Mander
Disabilities Activist & Writer
A vocal student politician: she spearheaded the new National Association for Disabled Students, worked for the Victoria University Feminist Organisation, for CanDo - the Disabled Students Association, and has hosted the Disability Pride Week Panel. Her lived experience with disability gives her a clear insight into the considerable disparities that exist in society.

Jacinta Gulasekharam 
Co-Founder, Dignity
Advocating for free access to period products, Jacinta has made this a reality by co-founding Dignity in 2016, an initiative that gives free products through a buy-one-give-one  scheme. 40,000 products have been made available to people in need so far, and her work on the The Positive Period campaign won the Government’s agreement to fund free products in schools.

Tayla Nasmith 
Founder, Mummy’s in Need
At just 12 years old Tayla set up her charity, Mummy’s in Need. Now 20, she is still running her charity that works alongside Police, midwives and other organisations to support whānau experiencing hardship. Tayla fundraises for and collects donated baby and children's clothes and necessities such as nappies, toys, strollers, prams and bassinets for expectant mothers of all ages. 9000 children have been helped through her nine years of work.

We’re so proud of you, your mahi and your numerous accomplishments!

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